©2008-2024 Purple Heart Homes, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your donations play a critical role in the scale at which we can serve our Veterans. We offer many options, from a one-time donation to a monthly giving program. Holding a 501(c)3 status, all donations are qualified as tax-deductible.
Many employers offer corporate matching programs. If your employer has a matching program, they may match a percentage of every dollar you give. This type of donation could double your contribution. Please check with your employer on such programs.
Our goal is to sustain and grow our donation base. Therefore, we encourage donations to be monthly. This donation path provides a model for constant support for those Veterans on our ever-growing program list. There is strength in numbers. Many people giving what they can afford can collectively change lives.
As we grow, we look to organizations for both financial funding as well as materials and services. This portion of our funding can offset many costs not applicable to individual contributions. We often receive ad space, supplies, services, or labor that we would otherwise purchase. Gifts such as these reduce our overall costs per project and can quickly jump-start larger-scale projects. Financial donations are always encouraged to provide flexibility in spending as needed.
Consider a corporate matching program if your organization does not already have one. A matching program is just one more way to match dollars based on an employee’s request.
This helps to ensure the long-term success of Purple Heart Homes and allows us to complete more Veteran projects each year.
Purple Heart Homes, Inc. does not and shall not discriminate, when making determinations of whether applicants are eligible for services, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability. Purple Heart Homes endeavors to provide services to and for disabled and honorably discharged Veterans, and will make applicant eligibility decisions on this basis alone.